Are you on the hunt for a new place to live but are scared of falling victim to rental scams?
If you aren't aware of the most occurring rental scams that are claiming victims in the industry, trying to find a place to live in makes your rental hunt a disaster. However, getting yourself prepared beforehand with the knowledge of the most common rental scam warning signs and techniques, can help to save yourself a lot of trouble.
That's why today, we've created this quick guide to help you get a better understanding of the most common rental scams that you should be aware of. Keep reading to learn more!
Be Careful with Cash Only
One of the biggest warning signs that you should be aware of that you're possibly involved in a rental scam is if the person that you're trying to run from is asking for cash only. A lot of people who are trying to keep their rental scams off of the radar of legal enforcement will ask for cash because the money that you're giving them can't be traced.
Not Being Able to Look at The Place
Another sign that you're dealing with a potential rental scam is that the renter won't allow you to look at the place that you're going to be renting out. The biggest priority that should be made by the renter is that you, the potential tenant, have the ability to look at the property you're going to be renting. Yet, if the landlord doesn't allow you to do this, skip over this property.
You should be able to look at a property beforehand to make sure that matches with all the pictures that you were shown in the online listing. Also, having the ability to look at the property will ensure that you are able to confirm the current condition of the property before you live in it.
Always Get a Written Lease
If you were a landlord that is trying to get you to agree to a verbal land lease, walk away. You should always sign a written lease. There are some states that allow oral agreements for renting out of the property, but if your landlord tries to take you to court over a dispute, you won't have anything to back up your oral agreement.
However, with a written agreement, we'll have all the proof that you need in the written agreement that you're following along with what you and your landlord agreed to.
Understanding How to Avoid Rental Scams
By preparing yourself with a little bit of knowledge before you begin looking around for properties, you can ensure that you are avoiding rental scams. Use these above tips while you're on your journey to finding a rental property to ensure that you keep yourself in your finances protected.
Are you interested in finding a property that you can run from? We're here to help you. Click here to contact us today to learn more!